The modern world is now digital, making mobile apps an essential part of personal and professional life. However, this has not spared mobile apps, given the enhanced risks to security and privacy. AppSealing has developed powerful mobile app security solutions with which a developer or company can defend their apps against hacking, piracy, and intrusion. This article will review some tips on how to maximize the benefits of AppSealing mobile app security.

Choose the right plan.

AppSealing has several subscription plans depending on the number of apps to seal. These are basic and enterprise schemes, the former being the simplest and the latter being the most complex. Assess what you need now and in the future, and then pick one plan. First, a basic plan covers one app, whereas enterprise plans begin with five apps and go as far as providing full security for unlimited programs. For smoother scaling, go for a higher-tiered plan if you have several apps or intend to keep adding new ones. You should consider your organization’s growth path and plans for releasing new apps when picking the best plan. Leaving space to grow while your app library develops will prevent disruptions in workflows from changing plans halfway through.

Introduce SDK earlier in the development process.

Include the AppSealing SDK in the early stages of app development for full-fledged protection. This will ensure core app features and components are safe from the build stage. Upgrading security in a matured app may be very difficult and provide a lot of unnoticed gaps. It is an easy-to-integrate system with comprehensive documentation. You can easily add the SDK to Android Studio, Xcode, React Native, Flutter, Unity, Xamarin, and other development platforms. Integrating early allows you to identify and fix any issues in the integration process before the app is fully built. It also gives you time to fine-tune the security configurations as per your specific app requirements.

Utilize all security features.

AppSealing offers a robust suite of mobile app security tools, including app shielding, API security, in-app protection, etc. While the needs may vary as per the app, it is recommended to utilize all the security features to the fullest to minimize vulnerabilities. For instance, combining app shielding with runtime application self-protection (RASP) can provide complete security against reverse engineering, hacking, and unauthorized usage. The depth of protection increases exponentially when you enable all features together rather than just one or two in isolation. Do a thorough audit of your app’s risk profile and enable all relevant security capabilities for robust 360-degree protection.

Test Protection Efficacy

Once you have integrated AppSealing, test it thoroughly to gauge its protection efficacy. Try hacking and decompiling the app using common tools and techniques used by hackers. This will reveal any weak links that can then be fixed by fine-tuning the security configurations. You can also leverage AppSealing’s VAPT (vulnerability assessment prior to release) services for expert testing before app release. Testing helps validate that the implementation has been done correctly without leaving any gaps or misconfigurations. It also prepares you to respond swiftly if any vulnerabilities are detected at a later stage after the app is released.

Monitor protection regularly.

AppSealing provides real-time analytics on the security status of your apps. Keep monitoring the dashboards regularly to detect any suspicious activities or anomalies. The insights can also help identify vulnerable app versions so you can promptly patch any security flaws. Enable notifications so you can take timely action on any reported issues. Regular monitoring provides visibility into attempted and successful attacks on your app, so you can continuously assess the effectiveness of your security strategy. Tracking metrics also provide valuable data to enhance security.

Stay updated on emerging threats.

Mobile app hacking techniques and malware continue to evolve rapidly. So staying updated with the latest trends in the cybersecurity domain is important. Subscribe to AppSealing’s threat intelligence reports that provide detailed insights into new hacking techniques, malware, exploits, and vulnerabilities pertinent to the mobile app ecosystem. These inputs can help strengthen your app’s protection. The mobile landscape shifts very dynamically, so logging into AppSealing’s threat monitoring console regularly ensures you have great situational awareness to combat new threats.

Respond Swiftly to New Vulnerabilities

As new forms of cyber threats keep emerging, it is crucial to respond swiftly with appropriate security fixes. AppSealing’s over-the-air patch feature allows you to remotely deploy security fixes to apps in the field without needing users to manually update their apps. This ensures users are protected at all times against the latest vulnerabilities. Having a good incident response plan and procedures prepares your team to act promptly based on alerts. Quick action is key before any weaknesses can be exploited.

Integrate AppSealing into the CI/CD Pipeline

Including AppSealing in the continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline allows security to be ingrained right from the development to deployment stages. Security testing can be automated each time a new software build is generated. This prevents vulnerabilities or misconfigurations from creeping in at any stage due to oversight. Embedding security checks into the software release cycle ensures consistent security across frequent incremental releases. Automated scanning also frees up manual effort.

Educate developers on secure coding practices.

In addition to using AppSealing’s tools, educate your in-house developers on secure coding best practices to avoid introducing vulnerabilities in the first place. This includes proper input validation, using cryptography securely, authorization and access control, proper error handling, etc. Building security awareness across the team is vital. AppSealing’s developer-focused blogs and resources can be very useful knowledge sources. Consider conducting periodic secure coding training workshops or distributing regular technical tips to keep the team updated on the latest standards and threats.


AppSealing provides a robust suite of mobile app security tools to protect against the constantly evolving cyber threats faced by apps today. Companies and developers can make the most of its capabilities by following some of the tips discussed in this article. Strategically integrating Appsealing into the app development lifecycle and leveraging its features holistically can help maximize the security posture of mobile apps. As hacking techniques get more advanced, it is prudent to take a proactive approach and bake security into apps from the ground up. With strong app shielding and continuous monitoring, companies can build resilient defenses to secure their mobile apps and the sensitive data they handle.